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Advanced Usage

Changing session configurations

It is possible to change details of how a client talks to the various servers it needs to interface with. For instance, the CAVEclient will attempt to retry specific failed requests to the server, but will only try a specific number of times, and will only wait specific amounts of time between retries. These values can be changed via the set_session_defaults method. For instance, to change the number of retries to 5, and to increase the delay between subsequent retries, you could do:

from caveclient import set_session_defaults

set_session_defaults(max_retries=5, backoff_factor=0.5)

Note that this needs to happen before initializing the client for this to work properly. Some of these parameters are also adjustable at the client level.

To view the current session defaults, you can use the get_session_defaults method:

from caveclient import get_session_defaults


More information on the available parameters can be found in the API documentation.