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Info Service

A datastack has a number of complex paths to various data sources that together comprise a datastack. Rather than hardcode these paths, the InfoService allows one to query the location of each data source. This is also convenient in case data sources change.

An InfoClient is accessed at

client = CAVEclient(datastack_name)
print(f"This is an info client for {} on {}")

Accessing datastack information

All of the information accessible for the datastack can be seen as a dict using get_datastack_info().


Individual entries can be found as well. Use tab autocomplete to see the various possibilities.


Adjusting formatting

Because of the way neuroglancer looks up data versus cloudvolume, sometimes one needs to convert between gs:// style paths to stype paths. All of the path sources in the info client accept a format_for argument that can handle this, and correctly adapts to graphene vs precomputed data sources.

neuroglancer_style_source = info.image_source(format_for='neuroglancer')
print(f"With gs-style: { neuroglancer_style_source }")

cloudvolume_style_source = info.image_source(format_for='cloudvolume')
print(f"With https-style: { cloudvolume_style_source }")