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JSON Neuroglancer State Service

We store the JSON description of a Neuroglancer state in a simple database at the JSON Service. This is a convenient way to build states to distribute to people, or pull states to parse work by individuals. The JSON Client is at client.state


Retrieving a state

JSON states are found simply by their ID, which you get when uploading a state. You can download a state with get_state_json.

example_id = 4845531975188480
example_state = client.state.get_state_json(test_id)

Uploading a state

You can also upload states with upload_state_json. If you do this, the state id is returned by the function. Note that there is no easy way to query what you uploaded later, so be VERY CAREFUL with this state id if you wish to see it again.

Note: If you are working with a Neuroglancer Viewer object or similar, in order to upload, use viewer.state.to_json() to generate this representation.

example_state['layers'][0]['name'] = 'example_name'
new_id = client.state.upload_state_json(example_state)
test_state = client.state.get_state_json(new_id)

Generating a Neuroglancer URL

Once you have a state ID, you want to turn it into a well-formatted link. So you don\'t have to remember all the endpoints, we can do this from the state client.

ngl_base = ''
client.state.build_neuroglancer_url(new_id, ngl_base)

Note that the neuroglancer base can be found in the info service under