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Imagery Client

Basic imagery client features

ImageryClient(client=None, resolution=None, segmentation=True, imagery=True, image_source=None, segmentation_source=None, image_mip=None, segmentation_mip=None, auth_token=None, timestamp=None)

Bases: object

Tool to help download imagery and segmentation data.

Can either take explicit cloudvolume paths for imagery and segmentation or use the Info Service to look up the right paths.


Name Type Description Default
client CAVEclient or None

A pre-initialized CAVEclient to use for configuration and authentication. If used, image source, segmentation source, and resolution come from the info service values.

resolution array - like or image or segmentation

Sets the voxel resolution that bounds will be entered in, by default 'image', which is the mip 0 resolution of the imagery. Note that if a client is used to set the sources, the resolution will be set to the client default.

segmentation bool

If False, no segmentation cloudvolume is initialized. By default True

imagery bool

If False, no imagery cloudvolume is initialized. By default True

image_source str

CloudVolume path to an imagery source, by default None

segmentation_source str

CloudVolume path to a segmentation source, by default None

image_mip int

Default mip level to use for imagery lookups, by default 0. Note that the same mip level for imagery and segmentation can correspond to different voxel resolutions.

segmentation_mip int

Default mip level to use for segmentation lookups, by default 0.

auth_token str or None

Auth token to use for cloudvolume. If None, uses the default values from the CAVEclient. Default is None.

timestamp (datetime or None)

Fixed timestamp to use for segmentation lookups. If None, defaults to the present time when each function is run. Default is None.


image_cv property

Imagery CloudVolume

image_source property

Image cloudpath

resolution property

The voxel resolution assumed when locations are used for the client.


Type Description

X, y, and z voxel resolution.

segmentation_cv property

Segmentation CloudVolume object

segmentation_source property

Segmentation cloudpath

image_and_segmentation_cutout(bounds, image_mip=None, segmentation_mip=None, root_ids='all', resize=True, split_segmentations=False, include_null_root=False, bbox_size=None, resolution=None, timestamp=None, scale_to_bounds=None, convert_to_int64=True)

Download aligned and scaled imagery and segmentation data at a given resolution.


Name Type Description Default
bounds 2x3 list of ints

A list of the lower and upper bound point for the cutout. The units are voxels in the resolution set by the base_resolution parameter.

image_mip int

Mip level of the imagery if something other than the default is wanted, by default None

segmentation_mip int

Mip level of the segmentation if something other than the default is wanted, by default None

root_ids list, None, or 'all'

If a list, the segmentation cutout only includes voxels for a specified set of root ids. If None, default to the supervoxel ids. If 'all', finds all root ids corresponding to the supervoxels in the cutout and get all of them. By default 'all'.

resize bool

If True, upscale the lower resolution cutout to the same resolution of the higher one (either imagery or segmentation).

split_segmentations bool

If True, the segmentation is returned as a dict of masks (using split_segmentation_cutout), and if False returned as an array with root_ids (using segmentation_cutout), by default False

include_null_root bool

If True, includes root id of 0, which is usually reserved for a null segmentation value. Default is False.

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions of the cutout. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution used when specifying bounds bounds and bbox_size (but not image_size). If none, defaults to client default.

timestamp datetime or None

Timestamp to use for dynamic segmentation data

scale_to_bounds bool or None

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.

convert_to_int64 bool

If True, converts segmentation data to int64 from uint64 if it is safe to do so. Default is True. If not safe, raises a warning and does not convert from uint64.



Type Description

Imagery volume cutout

ndarray or dict

Segmentation volume cutout as either an ndarray or dict of masks depending on the split_segmentations flag.

image_bbox_size_from_dimensions(image_size, mip=None, resolution=None)

Get the bbox_size equivalent for an imagery cutout with specified pixel dimensions


Name Type Description Default

Image size in pixels (2-element) or voxels (3-element)


Mip for which the image would be computed. Defaults to None, which uses the client default.


Resolution to use for the bbox_size. Defaults to None, or the client defauls.



Name Type Description

Argument for bbox_size that would give the desired pixel dimensions.

image_cutout(bounds, bbox_size=None, image_size=None, mip=None, resolution=None, scale_to_bounds=None)

Get an image cutout for a certain location or set of bounds and a mip level.


Name Type Description Default
bounds array

Either a 2x3 array of a lower bound and upper bound point to bound the cutout in units of voxels in a resolution set by the base_resolution parameter. Alternatively, if bbox_size or image_size is set, bounds should be a 3-element array specifying the center of the field of view.

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

image_size array or None

If not None, indicates the size of the image desired in pixels. Cannot be set with bbox_size, since it has potentially conficting information.

mip int

Mip level of imagery to get if something other than the default is wanted, by default None.

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution used when specifying bounds bounds and bbox_size (but not image_size). If none, defaults to client default.

scale_to_bounds bool, optional.

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.



Type Description

An n-d image of the image requested with image intensity values as the elements.

save_image_and_segmentation_masks(filename_prefix, bounds=None, image_mip=None, segmentation_mip=None, root_ids='all', include_null_root=False, segmentation_colormap={}, resize=True, precomputed_data=None, slice_axis=2, bbox_size=None, resolution=None, timestamp=None, scale_to_bounds=None, **kwargs)

Save aligned and scaled imagery and segmentation mask cutouts as pngs. Kwargs are passed to imageio.imwrite.


Name Type Description Default
filename_prefix str

Prefix for the segmentation filenames. The full filename will be either {filename_prefix}root_id.png or {filename_prefix}root_id.png, depending on if multiple slices of each root id are saved.}_{i

bounds 2x3 list of ints

A list of the lower and upper bound point for the cutout. The units are voxels in the resolution set by the base_resolution parameter. Only used if a precomputed data is not passed. By default, None.

image_mip int

Only used if a precomputed data is not passed. Mip level of imagery to get if something other than the default is wanted, by default None.

segmentation_mip int

Only used if precomputed data is not passed. Mip level of segmentation to get if something other than the default is wanted, by default None

root_ids list, None, or 'all'

If a list, the segmentation cutout only includes voxels for a specified set of root ids. If None, default to the supervoxel ids. If 'all', finds all root ids corresponding to the supervoxels in the cutout and get all of them. By default 'all'.

include_null_root bool

If True, includes root id of 0, which is usually reserved for a null segmentation value. By default, False.

segmentation_colormap dict

A dict of root ids to an uint8 RGB color triplet (0-255) or RGBa quadrooplet to optionally color the mask png. Any root id not specified will be rendered in white. Color triplets default to full opacity. Default is an empty dictionary.

resize bool

If True, upscale the lower resolution cutout to the same resolution of the higher one (either imagery or segmentation).

precomputed_data tuple

Already computed tuple with imagery and segmentation mask data, in that order. If not provided, bounds must be given to download cutout data. By default, None.

slice_axis int

If the image data is truly 3 dimensional, determines which axis to use to save serial images, by default 2 (i.e. z-axis)

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions of the cutout. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution of the bounds provided. If not provided, uses the client defaults.

timestamp datetime

Timestamp to use for the segmentation. If not provided, defaults to the client defaults.

scale_to_bounds bool or None

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.


save_imagery(filename_prefix, bounds=None, mip=None, precomputed_image=None, slice_axis=2, bbox_size=None, image_size=None, resolution=None, scale_to_bounds=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)

Save queried or precomputed imagery to png files.


Name Type Description Default
filename_prefix str

Prefix for the imagery filename. The full filename will be {filename_prefix}_imagery.png

bounds 2x3 list of ints

A list of the lower and upper bound point for the cutout. The units are voxels in the resolution set by the base_resolution parameter. Only used if a precomputed image is not passed. By default, None.

mip int

Only used if a precomputed image is not passed. Mip level of imagery to get if something other than the default is wanted, by default None

precomputed_image VolumeCutout

Already downloaded VolumeCutout data to save explicitly. If called this way, the bounds and mip arguments will not apply. If a precomputed image is not provided, bounds must be specified to download the cutout data. By default None

slice_axis int

If the image data is truly 3 dimensional, determines which axis to use to save serial images, by default 2 (i.e. z-axis)

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions of the cutout. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

image_size array or None

If not None, indicates the size of the image desired in pixels. Cannot be set with bbox_size, since it has potentially conficting information.

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution used when specifying bounds bounds and bbox_size (but not image_size). If none, defaults to client default.

scale_to_bounds bool or None

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.

verbose bool

If True, prints the progress, by default False


save_segmentation_masks(filename_prefix, bounds=None, mip=None, root_ids='all', precomputed_masks=None, segmentation_colormap={}, slice_axis=2, include_null_root=False, bbox_size=None, image_size=None, resolution=None, timestamp=None, scale_to_bounds=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)

Save queried or precomputed segmentation masks to png files. Additional kwargs are passed to imageio.imwrite.


Name Type Description Default
filename_prefix str

Prefix for the segmentation filenames. The full filename will be either {filename_prefix}root_id.png or {filename_prefix}root_id.png, depending on if multiple slices of each root id are saved.}_{i

bounds 2x3 list of ints

A list of the lower and upper bound point for the cutout. The units are voxels in the resolution specified. Only used if a precomputed segmentation is not passed. By default, None.

mip int

Only used if a precomputed segmentation is not passed. Mip level of segmentation to get if something other than the default is wanted, by default None

root_ids list, None, or 'all'

If a list, the segmentation cutout only includes voxels for a specified set of root ids. If None, default to the supervoxel ids. If 'all', finds all root ids corresponding to the supervoxels in the cutout and get all of them. By default 'all'.

precomputed_masks dict

Already downloaded dict of mask data to save explicitly. If called this way, the bounds and mip arguments will not apply. If precomputed_masks are not provided, bounds must be given to download cutout data. By default None

segmentation_colormap dict

A dict of root ids to an uint8 RGB color triplet (0-255) or RGBa quadrooplet to optionally color the mask png. Any root id not specified will be rendered in white. Color triplets default to full opacity. Default is an empty dictionary.

slice_axis int

If the image data is truly 3 dimensional, determines which axis to use to save serial images, by default 2 (i.e. z-axis)

include_null_root bool

If True, includes root id of 0, which is usually reserved for a null segmentation value. Default is False.

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions of the cutout. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

image_size array or None

If not None, indicates the size of the image desired in pixels. Cannot be set with bbox_size, since it has potentially conficting information.

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution used when specifying bounds bounds and bbox_size (but not image_size). If none, defaults to client default.

timestamp datetime or None

Timestamp to use for dynamic segmentation data

scale_to_bounds bool or None

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.


segmentation_bbox_size_from_dimensions(image_size, mip=None, resolution=None)

Get the bbox_size equivalent for an segmentation cutout with specified pixel dimensions


Name Type Description Default

Image size in pixels (2-element) or voxels (3-element)


Mip for which the image would be computed. Defaults to None, which uses the client default.


Resolution to use for the bbox_size. Defaults to None, or the client defauls.



Name Type Description

Argument for bbox_size that would give the desired pixel dimensions.

segmentation_cutout(bounds, root_ids='all', bbox_size=None, image_size=None, mip=None, resolution=None, timestamp=None, scale_to_bounds=None, convert_to_int64=True)

Get a cutout of the segmentation imagery for some or all root ids between set bounds. Note that if all root ids are requested in a large region, it could take a long time to query all supervoxels.


Name Type Description Default
bounds 2x3 list of ints

A list of the lower and upper bound point for the cutout. The units are voxels in the resolution set by the base_resolution parameter.

root_ids list, None, or 'all'

If a list, only compute the voxels for a specified set of root ids. If None, default to the supervoxel ids. If 'all', find all root ids corresponding to the supervoxels in the cutout and get all of them. None, by default 'all'

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

image_size array or None

If not None, indicates the size of the image desired in pixels. Cannot be set with bbox_size, since it has potentially conficting information.

mip int

Mip level of the segmentation if something other than the defualt is wanted, by default None

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution used when specifying bounds bounds and bbox_size (but not image_size). If none, defaults to client default.

timestamp datetime or None

Timestamp to use for dynamic segmentation data

scale_to_bounds bool or None

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.

convert_to_int64 bool

If True, converts segmentation data to int64 from uint64 if it is safe to do so. Default is True. If not safe, raises a warning and does not convert from uint64.



Type Description

Array whose elements correspond to the root id (or, if root_ids=None, the supervoxel id) at each voxel.

split_segmentation_cutout(bounds, root_ids='all', include_null_root=False, bbox_size=None, image_size=None, mip=None, resolution=None, timestamp=None, scale_to_bounds=None)

Generate segmentation cutouts with a single binary mask for each root id, organized as a dict with keys as root ids and masks as values.


Name Type Description Default
bounds 2x3 list of ints

A list of the lower and upper bound point for the cutout. The units are voxels in the resolution set by the base_resolution parameter.

root_ids list, None, or 'all'

If a list, only compute the voxels for a specified set of root ids. If None, default to the supervoxel ids. If 'all', find all root ids corresponding to the supervoxels in the cutout and get all of them. None, by default 'all'

include_null_root bool

If True, includes root id of 0, which is usually reserved for a null segmentation value. Default is False.

bbox_size array or None

If not None, bbox_size is a 3 element array of ints giving the dimensions. In this case, bounds is treated as the center.

image_size array or None

If not None, indicates the size of the image desired in pixels. Cannot be set with bbox_size, since it has potentially conficting information.

mip int

Mip level of the segmentation if something other than the default is wanted, by default None

resolution list - like

Voxel resolution used when specifying bounds bounds and bbox_size (but not image_size). If none, defaults to client default.

timestamp datetime or None

Timestamp to use for dynamic segmentation data

scale_to_bounds bool or None

If True, rescales image to the same size as the bounds. Default is None, which rescales if mip is not set but otherwise does not.



Type Description

Dict whose keys are root ids and whose values are the binary mask for that root id, with a 1 where the object contains the voxel.

bounds_from_center(ctr, width=1, height=1, depth=1)

Generate bounds from a center point and dimensions for each direction


Name Type Description Default
ctr array - like

x,y,z coordinates of the center of the bounds in voxel dimensions.


Width of the box in the x direction in. Default is 1.


Height of the box in the y direction. Default is 1.


Depth of the box in the z direction. Default is 1.



Type Description

2x3 array of lower and upper bounds (in that order).

save_image_slices(filename_prefix, filename_suffix, img, slice_axis, image_type, verbose=False, color=None, **kwargs)

Helper function for generic image saving